CRAB – Carbon Reduction Action Box

Carbon Reduction Action Box: How to tell your sustainability story

Create your sustainability story in this simple, fast, fun workshop for any small business or organisation.

Do you want to:

  • attract more of the right kind of customers?
  • grow your business?
  • save money by reducing your costs?
  • and do the right thing?

… all at the same time?

Are you unsure where to start with sustainability and carbon reduction, but know that it’s important and you need to do something?

If the answer is yes then this workshop is for you!

Take the first step on your carbon reduction journey

Your commitment to reducing emissions will help you:

  • Increase profits
  • Retain staff
  • Attract more customers
  • Meet supply chain requirements such as those imposed by the NHS, Councils, Tesco and other corporates

Join a Carbon Reduction workshop to understand what next steps to take, and how to tell your sustainability story.

These workshops have been designed especially with you in mind, and are a high impact 2-hour session specifically for small businesses and organisations.

You leave the workshop:

  • With a plan to build a more profitable and impactful business
  • A reduction journey which you can use to communicate effectively
  • Knowing exactly what the right next step to take with maximum impact is
ID: Carbon Reduction Action Box logo – CRAB for short, with a graphic of a stylised crab and the words “Carbon Reduction Action Box” and “Craft Your Business’ Sustainability Story”, all on a blue background

What is CRAB?

CRAB stands for Carbon Reduction Action Box – a concept that Small99 developed.

It’s a simple, high-speed, fun, in-person workshop. It’s for any small business or organisation looking for a Carbon Reduction Plan.

The CRAB workshop guides businesses and organisations through 6 key areas of your operations to build a sustainability plan – documenting your past achievements and preparing you for the future – making your business or organisation more profitable and resilient.

Go beyond just surviving and thrive as a leader in the low-carbon economy.

Want to talk about running or attending a workshop? Email me at with CRAB as the Subject.

Who is CRAB for?

For third parties

It’s for third parties, such as Community Groups, Councils or Chambers of Commerce.

People leave the workshop having built their Carbon Reduction Plan, with an estimate of their carbon footprint and having connected with other businesses, groups or organisations. This helps foster a sense of community and collective action.

For small businesses

It’s for small businesses.

Come and meet other businesses locally who are on the same journey as you are, and work out a plan and way forward together.

You’ll leave with both an estimate of your carbon footprint and a workable Carbon Reduction Plan for your business.

Where does it run?

Basically, anywhere where people can get together.

Because Carbon Reduction Plans affect everyone, not just professional services.

The in-person CRAB workshop can be run anywhere – from a field to a village hall or cafe – bringing businesses and organisations in the local community together and getting people talking.

There’s no WiFi or screens needed for this. All you need on the day is a pen and the CRAB cards.

How long is the Workshop?

No more than 2 hours. This allows time for good discussions and connections. However, the core content can still be covered in 1 hour if you’re really pushed for time.

How much does it cost?

The cost is kept affordable for small businesses and organisations, at just £125 per attendee.

It’s an affordable and high impact workshop for third party organisations to fully or part fund for their business audience, or for businesses themselves to sign up to directly.

How does it work?

In the workshop session, you’ll be guided through 6 key areas of your business or organisation to build your sustainability plan:

  • by documenting what you’ve achieved in the past
  • be walked through what to do now
  • and helped to prepare a plan for the future.

Each business or organisation gets:

Every attendee gets a Carbon Reduction Action Box set – a deck of cards and set of actions to reduce their footprint and build a better business.

During the session, you are guided through a series of action cards.

Each card helps you understand your carbon footprint and gives you reduction ideas based on your CO2e emissions.

CRAB Workshop Accountability Cards
ID: CRAB Workshop Accountability Cards – an image of two rectangular cards, with Energy and Transport written on them

By the end of the session you’ll know the best next step to take your business or organisation forward on its sustainability journey.

Also, the workshop helps you discover how much you’ve already achieved on your sustainability journey to date.

As a result of attending, gain confidence in how to tell your sustainability story, overcoming the pitfalls of  “greenwashing” and “greenhushing”, and connect with other businesses on a similar path to you.

What are the benefits of attending?

The benefits of attending are:

  • Craft your action plan & gain a roadmap to Net Zero (CPD accredited)
  • Master storytelling to win customers & become a sustainability leader
  • Uncover hidden cost savings & reduce your environmental impact

What do I get out of it?

Get a Sustainability Plan

You’ll leave the workshop with a plan of action that will not only win you more clients with a compelling sustainability story, but also ensure your business is doing the right thing.  Go beyond just surviving as a business. Instead, thrive as a leader in the low-carbon economy.

Cut running costs for your business or organisation with simple actions – chiefly, how to save electricity and heating, cut your transport costs, and improve recycling.

Cut carbon, cut costs: the transformation required to reduce carbon emissions is a challenge at every level and for all stakeholders, but it also offers new opportunities for cost savings and growth (Deloitte, 2022)

We’ve made the process fun and simple – giving you the tools to take control of your sustainability story. By looking at 6 key areas of your business or organisation, you’ll get an understanding of which area to focus on first.

Optional Certification

CPD accredited, Attendees can order certificates to prove they’ve started their carbon reduction journey.

  • Physical Certificate
  • Digital Certificate
  • Digital CPD Certification mini badge for emails / website footer

Network, learn and grow your business or organisation

During the session, you’ll meet other like-minded (and like-hearted) businesses and organisations who have already made changes or are working towards meaningful changes. Together you’ll discover new ideas to build a better business or organisation. As well as this, you’ll have an expert facilitator on hand to guide you and answer any questions you might have.

ID: Stylised graphic of a smiling, cute crab, with the word “CRAB” underneath in uppercase lettering, as CRAB is the acronym for Carbon Reduction Action Box

Clients, customers and stakeholders want to hear your sustainability story

Consumers and businesses alike want to buy from businesses who are doing the right thing – but to do so they need to know what you’re doing! Accordingly, as part of this workshop, you’ll leave with a clear plan to show your clients and customers the great things you have achieved already in your business. Not only make sustainability your USP, but also tell a sustainability story that wins you more customers!

90% of consumers thought it was important for businesses to talk about their sustainability initiatives, with 68% more likely to buy from those who had a strategy in place (The Guardian, 2024)

Meet Net Zero Requirements

Gain a grasp of key sustainability language and understand the nuances between carbon neutrality and net zero. As a result, you’ll leave with a plan to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030, in line with the science on climate change.

In the workshop you’ll use the Small99™ Estimator to get a rough idea of your organisation’s carbon footprint and where the biggest carbon emissions come from. Subsequently, you’ll choose a set of reduction actions to accelerate you on your journey.

Get Accredited

Again, the workshop is an accredited CPD workshop too. Accordingly, you can order a certificate at the end to demonstrate the commitment to your sustainability journey.

Small99 Official Facilitator

I’m a Small99 Official Facilitator, delivering CRAB workshops.


Small99 Official Facilitator
ID: At the top left it has the Small99 logo and says “Official Facilitator”

Next steps

If you are:

  • A business or organisation who needs a Carbon Reduction Plan
  • A small or micro business or organisation looking for workshops to attend
  • A business or organisation wanting to run the workshop on-site for you and your key personnel
  • A training and workshop provider
  • A venue that hosts business-related events and workshops
  • An individual looking for workshops to attend

Get in touch with me or come along to one of the Small99 People Planet Pint events in Morecambe that I Host.

Schedule a Call or Zoom with me via Calendly.

Email me at with CRAB as the Subject.

Website carbon reduction

The CRAB Workshop covers your business or organisation’s digital footprint. But, you can get a head start on a key element of your Carbon Reduction Plan right now by getting a website carbon footprint audit and reducing the carbon emissions associated with your website.



If you’re looking for a freelancer and would like to work with somebody who shares your values then I thoroughly recommend Giles.

Sam Agnew, Everyday People and the Good Business Charter


Highly recommended to connect and have a chat if you are looking for online marketing for your business.

Darren Gallimore, Federation of Small Businesses


Giles demonstrated a deep understanding of the platform and its nuances, which saw a four-fold return on our initial investment.

Michael Craddock, Marketing Manager


Giles has been instrumental in raising the profile of [the] business in the local area, which has led to increased activity and a 600% Return on Investment. For sure I hold no hesitation in recommending Giles to look after your Social Media [LinkedIn].

Jed Eatough, Director of Growth 4 Businesses Ltd Group (Retired)


Not only does Giles excel at digital marketing and getting you where you want to be but he is also extremely good at training you to be able to do it yourself. He is incredibly diligent at getting it right and making sure you understand the tools being used.

Neil Woodley, Sales Manager, Randtronics


To reduce the negative impact of your website, I recommend you speak to Giles Metcalfe who is an expert on this stuff and can offer you a website sustainability audit so you can clean up your act. Go on! What have you got to do that’s more important than this?

Zena Barrick, website design for small business