About Giles Metcalfe Digital

About Giles Metcalfe Digital: Digital Marketing done ethically

Thanks for wanting to find out more about Giles Metcalfe Digital – ethical digital marketing to help you sell your products and services to people in the right way, plus additional sustainability services, all for good businesses with purpose.

Giles Metcalfe Digital was established in 2014.

Giles Metcalfe is a decent Freelance Digital Marketing Specialist who puts the person before the sale, and people and the planet before profit.

He’s a member of both the FSB and ORB, and also the Association of Sustainability Practitioners. Accredited by the Good Business Charter, he has pledged to undertake ethical marketing with The Ethical Move, and reduce and offset his carbon footprint with Carbon Trap.

Want to book in a Call or Zoom straightaway? You can do so quickly and easily via Calendly – Giles Metcalfe Digital Calendly Events.


Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) logo

Good Business Charter (GBC) Accredited

the ethical move logo in yellow on transparent background - links to theethicalmove.org

Member of Carbon Trap

Marketing has a bad rep

Marketing has a bad reputation, it’s true. It’s often seen as sleazy and pushy. And consumers these days are pretty wise to underhand sales tactics. They even get turned off by them.

I’m different, and better than that. And you should be too.

Ethical Business & Sustainability

Consumers, citizens and activists have turned ethical business and sustainability into a mainstream concept that is able to ruin a company’s reputation and profits if concerns about business ethics and behaviour are not addressed.

As an Ethical Freelance Digital Marketer I’m always working towards being more sustainable and reducing my carbon footprint. I do business “the right way” – i.e. ethically, with respect for diversity, and supporting others. Above all, I put the person before the sale.

This approach is reflected in and encouraged by the membership organisations I’m part of and the people I meet through their events.

I’m always striving to do better, so I’m keen to learn from others who are further along in their ethical / green living and sustainability journey or have a different approach to doing business.

Freelance Digital Marketing services

I work with my own clients and as a White Label Freelancer for agencies.

Now Lancashire-based (but working with clients from all over the UK and even internationally), I’m a self-employed Freelance Digital Marketing specialist with a proven track record of delivering increased website traffic, brand awareness, social media engagement and ROI/ROAS (that’s Return On Investment and Return On Ad Spend if you were wondering) through digital marketing strategy and activities. Basically, I help you to sell your products and services to people, via various digital marketing channels.

A proven track record of good ROI and ROAS

One of my clients saw a 600% return on investment in terms of new work gained versus their outlay for the social media work I do for them.

Another achieves great sales revenue for every £1 spent with Google Ads (ROAS) as a result of the PPC Campaign I set up and manage for them. This year, their ROAS and Conversion Value Per Cost is 6.43, so £6.43 in Sales Revenue generated for every £1 spent on Ad Spend. To date, since 2021, Google Ads has earned the company nearly 225K in Sales Revenue.

Whilst I can’t promise the same results for you, as there’s no guarantee of performance and high return, give it a try and see what happens. If it works then do more of it.

See my LinkedIn Profile for more details and to read what other people have said about me in my recommendations.

How much do you need to spend on marketing?

Not got thousands of £s to spend? That’s OK. Get some Keyword Research and Reports. Try a PPC Campaign with an effective daily budget (it could be as little as £5 per day). Get a Website SEO Review with Digital Marketing Strategy Consultancy built in, or ask me to manage your social media for you from as little as one hour per week.

How much do I cost?

My Hourly, Half Day and Day Rates are reasonable because I have low overheads. My rates are higher than some, but I will give you great service and try hard for good ROI/ROAS. I don’t tie anybody into a contract. All I ask is that you pay me promptly for the work I do. Contact me to discuss your requirements and what my rates are.

My digital marketing specialities

My digital marketing specialities include:

Please contact me for more details about the digital marketing services on offer and to discuss your requirements. Want to book in a Call or Zoom straightaway? You can do so quickly and easily via Calendly – Giles Metcalfe Digital Calendly Screening.

More about Giles Metcalfe Digital – the background to starting my freelance business

Motivation to go freelance

Giles Metcalfe Digital started in 2014.

I decided to strike out on my own as a self-employed digital marketing freelancer with Giles Metcalfe Digital after gaining 20 years’ marketing and digital marketing experience.

My skills were honed working in marketing departments, specialist business units and full service design and marketing agencies. I gained that experience from 1994 until 2014.

I worked in different industries and sectors, including:

  • Agency side
  • Client side
  • Not for Profit (charities)
  • Private sector (corporate, B2B & B2C, Construction, Publishing, Design & Marketing, Information Technology)
  • Public sector (Education, Health and Social Care, Social Housing, and Blue Light)

Then, life’s twists and turns saw me burnt out and parting company with my last full-time employer by mutual consent.

At this point, I’d been working a 60-hour week: 8-to-6 in the office, no lunch break, with a commute there and back, as well as additional time in the evenings too. This was unsustainable. So, we went our separate ways.

You can read about these experiences in Helen Hill’s book, Falling Off The Ladder.

Getting established as a Freelancer

I actually tried for another full-time role subsequently, this time with an agency in Huddersfield called Browndog. After going for an interview, Alexis and Andrew offered me the chance to work with them on a freelance self-employed basis. Browndog then gave me enough work to keep me in business for the first year and beyond, as well as referring my services to their contacts.

I’m massively thankful to Alexis and Andrew for giving me that start in business, which saw me through the difficult first year. As with relationships, if you can get through your first year in business that’s half the battle.

What do I love most about being a Freelance Digital Marketer?

Seeing the businesses I work with get new leads, sales and clients from the campaigns I’ve done with them is really satisfying and shows that I’m doing my job well. My business is built on the success of the businesses I work with. I’m successful if they are, and seeing them grow and prosper really is a source of pride.

Being my own boss and stepping away from the traditional 9-to-5 rat race has been really good for me, particularly my mental health/health and well-being. I certainly don’t miss working in large, noisy open plan offices where the air conditioning means that you shiver in summer and boil in winter! I like being able to control my own workspace and comfort, and I listen to BBC 6Music when I’m working.

Even before the pandemic, I enjoyed working from home in my own environment, albeit spending a couple of days a week in a co-working space to give me in-person contact with other people, which is important.

Being independent and being in charge of my own time is great. I work when I want to and I’m not afraid to take time off when I need to.

Running a small business versus being a Freelancer

I started out with the idea that I was a ‘Freelancer’. But, I had to acknowledge and accept that I was actually self-employed. I was really running a small business, with all that entails.

I’m striving to find a balance between being busy and being comfortable, and working smarter rather than working harder. Keeping on top of all of the admin tasks inherent in running a small business, as well as networking. Yes, undoubtedly that takes up a lot of time. But, those tasks need doing and networking is well worth the time and effort.

My business network and support network

Having a business network and a support network around you is absolutely crucial. Your business network will refer you and your services. New work comes to you, meaning that you don’t have to go looking for it. My support network was there for me when I was struggling or needed help and advice. We all experience down times and setbacks, and, as the saying goes, no man – nor woman – is an island. I’ve got great people around me. Notably, people who pass on referrals, associates, business mentors and a great accountant. Not forgetting the FSB and the resources available there. Plus the Good Business Charter (GBC) community and the people raising awareness of ethical and sustainable business and tech practices.



If you’re looking for a freelancer and would like to work with somebody who shares your values then I thoroughly recommend Giles.

Sam Agnew, Everyday People and the Good Business Charter


Highly recommended to connect and have a chat if you are looking for online marketing for your business.

Darren Gallimore, Federation of Small Businesses


Giles demonstrated a deep understanding of the platform and its nuances, which saw a four-fold return on our initial investment.

Michael Craddock, Marketing Manager


Giles has been instrumental in raising the profile of [the] business in the local area, which has led to increased activity and a 600% Return on Investment. For sure I hold no hesitation in recommending Giles to look after your Social Media [LinkedIn].

Jed Eatough, Director of Growth 4 Businesses Ltd Group (Retired)


Not only does Giles excel at digital marketing and getting you where you want to be but he is also extremely good at training you to be able to do it yourself. He is incredibly diligent at getting it right and making sure you understand the tools being used.

Neil Woodley, Sales Manager, Randtronics


To reduce the negative impact of your website, I recommend you speak to Giles Metcalfe who is an expert on this stuff and can offer you a website sustainability audit so you can clean up your act. Go on! What have you got to do that’s more important than this?

Zena Barrick, website design for small business